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Drones Investigating Car Wrecks

In what may be one of the most ingenious applications of emerging technology, an increasing number of public safety agencies across the United States have started using drones in their operations. In a 2018 updated report by the Center for Study of Drones, 910 state and local police, sheriff, fire, and emergency services agencies in the U.S. reported having acquired drones. Emergency-response agencies use drones in a variety of ways, such as tracking wildfires and conducting search-and-rescue missions, and most importantly, investigate accident sites for legal purposes.

In 2018, an estimated 40,000 people lost their lives, with another 4.5M people reported to be seriously injured. As our cars get faster and more people to take up driving, police investigators across states like Illinois, Maine, North Carolina, Virginia among others are looking at ways to bring in drones to produce quick and accurate findings that make their job simpler. There are substantial benefits attached to using drones to investigate car accident sites.

Here are some of the ways drones are useful in car accident investigations car wrecks.

1) Drones Collect Data Faster and Investigating Car Wrecks

Collision reconstruction is one of the earliest and most crucial steps in uncovering how and why a crash occurred. It provides detailed information, which is used further for car forensics & collusion analysis, a process used to improve road safety, as also file accident claims after a crash. Ideally, you want to complete the recordings in a quick and efficient manner that still produces useful information. However, current methods of investigation are famously time-consuming.

In 2017, North Carolina’s transportation department conducted a study using a simulated two-car crash. It took the reconstruction team an hour and 51 minutes to collect the data using a laser scanner. It took 25 minutes using drones. The results speak for themselves. Drones make data collection simpler and faster.

2) Drones increase field safety & avoid secondary accidents

Idling in a long highway line of slowed or stopped traffic on a busy highway is not just an inconvenience for drivers and highway safety officers. It is one of the most vulnerable times for “secondary accidents,” which often are worse than an original source of the slowdown, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration. In fact, thanks to the stationery traffic and inattentive drivers, secondary crashes go up by a factor of almost 24 during the time that highway safety officials are assessing and documenting the crash site.

By using drones, investigators can complete an aerial scan and review the data from their office, thereby reducing the time needed to stop traffic, which in turn creates a safer experience for drivers and officers.

3) Drones offer a bird’s-eye view

As drone flights cover an entire scene at once, data points are rarely missed as they might be in a typical “walk-around” investigation. Having an aerial perspective makes a big difference by adding precision, that can be utilized in the reports generated. This aspect is especially valuable for insurance companies and accident victims alike.

Nowadays, some sophisticated service providers allow for real-time reporting through mobile apps, without a stable internet connection, a huge possibility on freeways. Once imagery is captured from the scene, it’s processed into high-resolution maps and 3D models for further inspection. This further eases reporting, future investigation, and prevention measures.

While technology catches up with the realities of car accidents, you must do your part to avoid an accident at all costs. A vehicle accident occurs in a moment but can completely wreck your present and change the course of your future. Having a successful & reliable personal injury lawyer is one of the ways you can create a fallback.

Attorney Riah Greathouse has earned a certification in National Highway Traffic Safety Administration DUI Detection & Standardized Field Sobriety Testing. He has represented 1000+ criminal and civil matters, with a high success record. Contact Greathouse Trial Law to be your trusted advisor in all personal injury claims around Greater Atlanta today!

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Riah Greathouse, Esq.

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