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What to Do After You’re Bitten by a Dog

Man’s best friend can sometimes lead to terrifying encounters. Being bitten by a dog can be traumatic, and depending on the location of the bite, it can be dangerous. Read our blog to learn what you should do if someone else’s dog has bitten you.

Seek Medical Help

Depending on the severity of the bite, you may need to seek immediate medical care. However, we recommend seeing a healthcare professional within eight hours of the dog bite. Seeing a medical professional can ensure that you are safe from any potential infection.

If the bite was less severe, you should wash it with mild soap and run warm tap water over it for about five minutes. Then, you will need to apply an antibiotic cream and wrap it in a clean bandage. Be sure to change the bandage several times a day for the next few days.

Regardless of how severe the injury is, you will need to be on the lookout for any signs of infection. Symptoms of an infection can include swelling, redness, fever, and increased pain.

Treat the Incident like a Car Accident

Being bitten by someone else’s dog is similar to being in a car crash. You and the dog’s owner will need to exchange information, including their name, address, and how to contact them. This information is vital for checking the dog’s vaccination history.

You should also check with any witnesses that may have seen the incident, and be sure to grab their contact information. If you decide to pursue a lawsuit against the dog owner, having eyewitness accounts will provide good evidence for your case.

You will need to document the injury as well. Take photos of the damage at every stage, keep receipts from any medical visits, and write down any invisible symptoms you may have, like pain or decreased mobility.

Who has Responsibility?

In Georgia, the dog owner is liable for any injury that the dog causes to you, your property, or any other pets that you have. However, it can be hard to track down the responsible owner if the dog was alone when the injury occurred.

If the owner isn’t around, you can call animal control to take care of the dog until its owner can be found. If the dog is a stray, then a few different factors come into play, such as whether the injury occurred on private or public property.

If the injury occurred on public property, the city might be held liable for the dog’s actions. If the injury occurred on private property, the property owner could be held responsible for the bite.

Speak to an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

It’s essential to seek medical care after experiencing a dog bite injury. While at the scene, be sure to exchange contact information with the dog owner and any potential witnesses. If the owner wasn’t present, you might need to research who is responsible for the injury.

After receiving medical care, it’s critical to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney. A lawyer can help you understand what your case may be worth and who may be responsible for the injury. Here at Greathouse Trial Law, we want to help you fight for your rights.

Contact us today at 678-310-2827 or complete our online form for your free case evaluation. We aim to serve Atlanta’s great people and give a voice to the voiceless.


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Greathouse Trial Law
100 Galleria Parkway
Suite 1460,
Atlanta GA 30339
(678) 310-2827

Riah Greathouse, Esq.

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