So you’ve just been involved in a collision and you find out that the other driver doesn’t have insurance. What do you do? Who’s going to put your life back together? Who’s going to pay your medical bills, who’s going to pay back your lost wages? That’s why it’s very important to have UIM coverage or underinsured motorist coverage. You may also see this as you um, add on to your policy. What this is, this is a policy under your insurance that you can add that will be supplemental to the insurance of the other driver that way for instance, if they have 25,000, you have 25,000. There’s a total of $50,000 in insurance coverage to compensate you for your injuries. You get paid because you’re hurt not because you were hit. Simply put, if you don’t get paid, we don’t get paid. I’m Riah Greathouse from Greathouse Trial Law. Contact us to discuss your case.
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