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What to do if You Have Polluted Water

There have been several instances of polluted water found in residential areas throughout the years. This pollution can severely harm you and your family – which is why it’s crucial to ensure that your water is clean. Read Greathouse Trial Law’s blog to learn more.

What is water pollution?

Polluted water comes from harmful substances found in bodies of water, including fertilizers, toxic chemicals, oil, and organic waste. Toxins like chemicals or microorganisms can cause disease or act like poisons, leading to problems with our bodies.

How does water pollution happen?

Water can become polluted in a few ways, including purposeful waste practices and accidental pollution. Intentional practices occur when companies put their waste into water supplies, and accidental pollution happens when rain pushes substances into our water.

Harmful human practices like littering, using water sources for sewage, and careless construction can lead to polluted water. Sewage from factories and bathrooms is a huge source of the disease-causing microorganisms found in our water, and garbage can leak into the water supply.

Accidental pollution happens when forces beyond our control push pollution into our waterways. Runoff from agricultural areas can contaminate our water with fertilizers, and wind can push solid garbage into lakes and rivers.

How does polluted water affect us?

Polluted water affects not only the world around us but also our bodies. Everyday activities like drinking, bathing, swimming, or eating can expose us to water pollution, leading to numerous health conditions.

Adverse effects can range anywhere from stomachaches to death. Contaminated water can lead to cancer, congenital disabilities, thyroid disorders, miscarriages, etc. These health conditions are more common in disadvantaged communities but can also be found in high-income areas.

We need water to survive, but it can lead to more risks than benefits when that water is contaminated. It’s crucial to ensure that we’re partaking in strategies to minimize water pollution and supporting causes to solve existing problems.

What happens if you have water pollution?

If your water is a strange color or leading to health problems, it’s crucial to stop using the water and seek medical attention as soon as possible. Some diseases can take years to develop, so you may not see symptoms immediately.

When seeking legal assistance with pollution, you will need to decide what you want your outcome to be. If you wish the polluters to clean up the mess, you should alert the Environmental Protection Agency. For monetary damages, you can file a personal injury suit.

Polluted water can become a personal injury case when you can pinpoint the direct cause of your illness. If you can prove negligence, you may be able to recover any financial compensation for medical care and emotional distress.

Speak to an Expert

Illnesses from contaminated water are dangerous and can lead to many adverse health effects. Once you’ve sought medical care and found the source of the pollution, it’s critical to speak with an attorney who can help you take your next steps.

Contact us today at (678) 310-2827 or complete our online form for your free case evaluation. Our personal injury law firm aims to serve the great people of Atlanta and to give a voice to the voiceless.

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Greathouse Trial Law, LLC
100 Galleria Parkway
Suite 1460,
Atlanta GA 30339
(678) 310-2827

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Riah Greathouse, Esq.

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