Injuries at work can happen anywhere – even in the comfort of your own home. You may still be eligible for workers’ compensation if you’ve been injured during remote work. Read Greathouse Trial Law’s blog to learn more.
What is remote work?
The COVID-19 pandemic introduced many of us to work from home, also called remote work. It is a flexible work arrangement that allows employees to work from anywhere in the world and does not require commuting to a central office.
While you may be wondering how workers’ compensation can apply anywhere that isn’t a job site, it’s crucial to note that work injuries can happen wherever work is done. Injuries from remote work may not be as common, but they still may be eligible for workers’ compensation.
Does workers’ compensation cover remote work?
Yes, workers’ compensation does cover remote work. These benefits cover any injury that happens due to the course and scope of employment, even if that injury occurred outside the office or any other workplace.
However, getting workers’ compensation for remote work injuries can be more challenging than a work injury in the office. To receive benefits, you will need to prove that the injury was work-related and not a result of other activities.
If you can reasonably explain that your injury happened due to your job, you are likely to receive workers’ compensation benefits in Georgia.
How do you prove that an injury was work-related?
To get workers’ compensation for a remote work injury, you must prove that it happened either from work or because of work. You must show that you were acting in the interest of your employer at the time of your injury.
Here are some questions that you will need to answer to win your claim:
- Was your employer benefiting from your actions when the injury occurred?
- Did your employer require you to engage in the injury-causing activity?
- Did your employer approve the off-site activity in advance?
Additionally, you must prove that the injury or illness results from your job and is not related to your general home environment. But with fewer witnesses at home, it can be harder to get worker’s compensation benefits. That’s why it’s crucial to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney who can help you navigate this process.
What are injuries that can occur during remote work?
Remote workers are not often handling heavy equipment or dangerous situations, but that does not mean their injuries are less important. All work-related injuries deserve the same protections under the law.
With all that said, here are a few injuries and illnesses that can occur during remote work:
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Injuries from car accidents that happen while you are working
- Shoulder strains and sprains
- Rotator cuff injuries
- Pinched nerves in the neck and spine
- Lumbar disc pain
- Strains in the neck and lower back
- Eye strain and fatigue
- Neck tension
- Slips, trips, and falls if they happened as a result of your job
- Mental illness
With each of these injuries, it’s crucial to prove that your work causes them. If you were already experiencing these types of injuries and illnesses, but they were exacerbated by remote work, you may still be eligible for workers’ compensation.
Speak to an Expert
No matter where or how you work, job-related injuries are covered under workers’ compensation. However, if you work remotely, you may have a more challenging time proving your case. That’s why speaking with the experienced personal injury attorneys here at Greathouse Trial Law is crucial.
Contact us today at (678) 310-2827 or complete our online form for your free case evaluation. Our personal injury law firm aims to serve the great people of Atlanta and to give a voice to the voiceless.
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Greathouse Trial Law, LLC
100 Galleria Parkway
Suite 1460,
Atlanta GA 30339
(678) 310-2827